9 Reviews
July 1, 2021
This was something my MIL used to make. The recipe was lost and I was desperate to find it. Little did I know it wasn’t an “old family recipe” at all. Thank you Google!! This is still a favorite of my husband and I. It brings back some wonderful memories and is never anything less than delicious. I strongly agree with above comments. It’s well worth it to add a bit (about a cup) of green salsa verde to the soup mixture. Don’t skip the refrigeration! It is the magic ingredient to this recipe. I recommend using more chicken (another cup or two) just to give it a bit more substance but that is purely personal preference. Give this recipe a try! You likely will be very happy you did. Cheers!
JoAnn Coy
November 1, 2020
I love this recipe which a friend gave me decades ago. Whenever I serve it my guests always enjoy it. I was pleasantly surprised to find it online. I also add green chili salsa to the soups and milk.
April 20, 2020
I love the idea of adding salsa!
April 19, 2020
This recipe has been in my family for years, but we add about a cup of salsa to the soup mixture. It’s a birthday/special occasion favorite.
July 11, 2019
Good tip! Thanks!
July 11, 2019
Make sure to refrigerate over night. One time I forgot and the casserole was so spicy we couldn’t eat it.
So happy to have found this recipe again!
May 27, 2019
I love this! Some of my favorite family recipes were found on the packages of things. I do think you need to let it sit in the fridge overnight and I would cover it in foil, then take it off for the last 15 – 20 minutes. I now want to make this again. Thanks for reminding me!
MaryAnn Craven
May 26, 2019
This dish was served by my aunts at my wedding shower 50 years ago. I believe it originated as a recipe on a label of some salsa or green chilies…and was called “Viva la Chicken.” I think my original recipe from my aunts called for a specific jar of salsa. I’ve made it off and on for years…and like it but sometimes it ends up soupy. The original recipe said to cover with foil and refrigerate for 24 hours…then bake at 300 degrees for 1 – 1.5 hours. It didn’t say to take the foil off. I have a hard time remembering whether to remove the foil…which is probably why I end up with a soupy casserole on occasion! LOL I find the easiest way to prepare the liquid in the recipe is to put chunks of onions into a blender with the cup of milk. When it has gotten chopped up, I add the soups and chilies to blend. Super easy!!!! 🙂 I appreciate that you have specific amounts of chicken and cheese. The original recipe was a bit vague about amounts.
November 19, 2022
This recipe is in the old Oregon Cookbook and it is delicious