
By Leslie Blythe  , , ,   ,

May 30, 2021

Last month we spent the weekend in La Quinta, California and had a lovely time seeing our friends at their home in Palm Desert. Judie made wonderful hors d’oeuvres, which included these Crabbies. She was kind enough to send me the recipe. The recipe has been around for years, though no one seems to know where it originated. It calls for a jar of Kraft Old English Cheese, which is a key ingredient. If you can’t find it at your local market, you can buy it online. The beauty of this recipe is that it makes a large amount that you can keep in your freezer and pull as many out as needed and bake until golden.

I make a similar hors d’oeuvres called Curried Shrimp Croustades.

  • Prep: 10 mins
  • Cook: 15 mins


½ cup butter, softened

5-ounce jar Kraft Old English Cheese

2 teaspoons mayonnaise

½ teaspoon garlic salt

½ teaspoon seasoned salt

6-ounce can crabmeat, drained

8 English muffins, split


1Mix the first 6 ingredients and spread on English muffin halves.

To Freeze

1Freeze muffins on a baking sheet. When frozen, but into quarters, stack and wrap.

2When ready to use, remove from the freezer and heat thoroughly in a 350° F oven.


1 Review


May 31, 2021

By an odd coincidence, I just bought a half case of canned crab because it was an irresistible bargain, and I’ve been wondering what to do with it. But I’m not sure I’ve seen those little jars of Kraft cheese since I was a kid. Was “Old English” in the same family as the jar called “Roka Blue”?

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