Happy Thanksgiving!

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This year we got a very big surprise.  On Monday night there was a knock on the front door.  It was late and when I opened it, my daughter Zoe was standing there!  She was meant to be having Thanksgiving on the east coast with her uncle, aunt, cousins and grandmother.  One of her best friends from high school’s mom had thousands of air miles about to expire and thought it would be a great surprise!  How can we ever repay their family for this amazing, thoughtful surprise?!  I can’t tell you how wonderful it has been to have Zoe here, since this is the first year she would have spent it away.    She is happily soaking up the southern California sunshine wearing tank tops.  She goes back Sunday to chilly Rhode Island for less then a month before she returns for Christmas.

Here are a couple recipes for your leftovers tomorrow –  Grilled Turkey Sandwiches With Stuffing and Cranberry Sauce and Turkey Nachos.  I hope you all have a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Categories: Poultry, Turkey

Author: Leslie Blythe