The Travesty of Truffles

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TrufflesWhy don’t I like truffles?  Just look at the picture; what does it look like to you?  Basically, they are a fragrant petrified sponge that taste like sweat that dogs and pigs adore.  What an endorsement!

Last night, my husband and I went out (a week late) for our anniversary dinner.  We got a nice table near the kitchen.  And what heady, musky aroma do you think was wafting out of the kitchen?  Yes, it was truffles.  They were busy back there ruining a nice side of mash potatoes!

According to The New York Times, wholesale prices for these tubers have plummeted to about half of what they were the last two years, down to $750 to $1,200 a pound from $1,500 to $2,000.  Apparently, the lower prices have resulted mainly from a more abundant supply. In northern Italy, especially in the Piedmont region around Alba, which is prime truffle country, and in the eastern part of the country this summer’s rains were a disaster for almost everything except truffles. The shortages over the last couple of years were caused by exceptionally dry summers.

I’ve always felt guilty for not liking truffles.  Isn’t guilt the fact of being responsible for the commission of an offense?  The only thing offensive is that odor!

Categories: Rants

Author: Leslie Blythe