The Ritz Dunhill Cocktail

By admin    

February 24, 2020

My husband, my late friend Brady and my father all love things from British tobacconist turned luxury goods purveyor, Dunhill. Their belts, ties, leather goods and their colognes are all favorites. I think that if any of them smoked pipes they would smoke Dunhill tobacco in Dunhill pipes. One of the best Dunhill offerings is their EDITION cologne. This fresh, spicy scent has notes of Lemon, Lavender, Clove, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cedarwood, Sandalwood and Musk. Edition is a favorite of my husband’s, the scent he chose to wear on our wedding day. It drives me wild, but I won't go into that here.....

When this was launched in 1984, Dunhill had the launch party at the Ritz in London, around the corner from their Jermyn Street headquarters. They approached Bob, the master bartender at the Ritz bar, to create a cocktail that tasted the way this cologne smells--and thus the Dunhill cocktail was born. For a few years, it was listed on the bar menu at the Ritz. You can still order it, which was guaranteed to bring Bob out to see who the "in the know" drinker is. The late, great Bob, who passed away a few years back, shared the recipe with us and here it is--splash on some Edition, mix up one of these and enjoy!

  • Prep: 5 mins
  • Yields: Makes 1 cocktail


5/10 dry white wine

1/10 Cointreau

2/10 creme de banana

2/10 Cinzano Bianco (see note below)


1Combine all ingredients and shake, serve on the rocks.


1*Cinzano Bianco is a sweet white vermouth that is popular in Europe but hard to find in the US.  An English/Italian friend says that the taste reminders her of Christmas.  It is delicious on its own, over ice.  If you cannot find it, you can always use dry vermouth—the Cointreau and crème de banana are sweet enough.  However, it is never a good idea to mess with one of Bob’s perfect concoctions.


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