French Onion Bread

French Onion Bread

By Leslie Blythe  ,   

November 23, 2014

This delicious cheesy French Onion Bread is served warm out of the oven and is an irresistible side dish that all of your dinner guests will be reaching for until it's gone.

  • Prep: 3 hrs
  • Cook: 10 mins
  • Yields: Makes 24 slices
French Onion Bread


¼ cup red onion, finely chopped

2 Tablespoons olive oil

2 Tablespoons canola oil

2 Tablespoons dill, basil or thyme, finely chopped

1 loaf French bread

3 Tablespoons Monterey Jack cheese, shredded


1Place onion, olive oil, canola oil and dill in covered container and let stand 3 hours at room temperature.

2Slice bread in half lengthwise. Cover bottom half with onion mixture. Cover with top half and sprinkle cheese over. Place on baking sheet and bake at 300°F for 10 minutes. Serve immediately.

This recipe is from Great Good Food by Julee Russo (The Silver Palate)


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