Spaghetti with Courgettes (or Zucchini)

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Guest blogger Jessica from Beauty Marks again.

This time of year, I’m always envious of the people who can take advantage of the recipes destined for those who have a bounty of zucchini (or courgettes, as they call them across the pond) in their gardens. I have no garden and thus no zucchini. I have to buy it – how embarrassing! If you have too much zucchini, this recipe is for you. It’s sublime – especially if you use freshly made pasta. I did, because my husband decided he needed the pasta making attachments for our KitchenAid mixer. I’m not complaining; the dish in its entirety was fantastic.


Spaghetti with Courgettes (or Zucchini)


Categories: Pasta, Vegetarian

Author: Leslie Blythe