Dim Sum

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Dim sum is the Cantonese term for a type of Chinese dish that involves small individual portions of food, usually served in a small steamer basket or on a small plate.

Sunday morning we were invited by our new friends for Dim Sum at a wonderful restaurant in Alhambra, CA.  I happen to love Dim Sum, but there is nothing better than going with people who know what to order.  It was not the kind of place where they wheel around a cart and you choose a dish.  At this restaurant, you ordered in advance, which meant it was VERY fresh.  There were things that I normally would never eat, that I ended up really enjoying. The whole fish that was served at the end was spectacular, fresh and almost sweet. We had Shrimp Dumpling (蝦餃 har gau): A delicate steamed dumpling with whole or chopped-up shrimp filling and thin wheat starch skin.  My favorite – Char siu baau (叉燒包, char siu baau): the most popular bun with a Cantonese barbecued pork filling. It is steamed, fluffy and white.  Taro dumpling (芋角 wu gok): This is made with mashed taro, stuffed with diced shiitake mushrooms, shrimp and pork, deep-fried in crispy batter.

If you haven’t had Dim Sum in a while, I suggest that you go.  Look around and see what other people are ordering.

Categories: Restaurants

Author: Leslie Blythe