Martha’s Green Bean Casserole

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green bean casseroleHell for the Holidays

I hate to say it, but I really do not like Thanksgiving.   Not because I don’t want to give thanks and all, but because I hate the entire meal.  I truly am thankful for all that I have and for all our ancestors went through, etc, but turkey is not something I like on any level.  It just makes you tired and it’s a pain in the ass to cook.  It takes up way too much room in the oven, for too long of a time period.  Yes, I only have one oven!

The other problem with the whole day is that your guests (that would be annoying family members) have high expectations of re-living their childhood Thanksgiving days through your side dishes, cranberry sauce, stuffing, pie, etc. If one veers off the “green bean casserole” recipe from the side of the can and actually attempts to make Martha’s “organic, from scratch version”, then you might as well ask to be handcuffed and taken away. The “this doesn’t taste like MY mom’s green bean casserole recipe” comments will start flying around the room.

And to top it all off, there is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade.  Why can’t they just show the parade?  Do they have to keep cutting to 34th Street so we can watch the scantly clad Broadway “stars” dance and sing (lip sync) in the 25 degree weather?  Come on, I hope Balloon Boys gets a chance to fly down Central Park West!  Now, that would be worth watching!

Of course, the only recourse is to stay in the kitchen and drink heavily.


Categories: Side Dishes, Vegetarian

Author: Leslie Blythe