It’s an Affectation

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032What’s up with miniature wine carafes being served next to my glass of wine?  – a “just-for-you” diminutive decanter.

Why? The trend has been going on for awhile now to bring you a mini-carafe and an empty glass to the table when ordering wines by the glass. Are you supposed to feel like you are getting a larger pour? 

It just adds more waiter buffoonery.  Just pour the whole damn thing into my glass and take it away!  Also, you now have TWO things to wash! 

From the restaurateur point of view, they want diners to have the full enjoyment of the wine, ie, swirl, bouquet, etc, but they were getting too many complaints by customers for ‘not full glasses’ when they brought out just the glass. Same amount of wine, less complaints with the carafe.

Categories: Rants

Author: Leslie Blythe