Fabulous Figs

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figsI am very lucky to have a wonderful mother-in-law. She is not only nice, but someone I enjoy spending time with. I seriously hit the mother-in-law jackpot! She also happens to have an enormous fig tree in her backyard. Every August around this time, I go over wearing some old shoes, plastic bag and clippers in hand. Fig trees are a mess! You really don’t want a fig tree on your property. What you really want, is to know someone with a fig tree. The beauty is that you are doing them a big favor by taking as many figs off their tree before the go splat! You basically come off as the hero!

You can use figs a thousand different ways. What I really like is to eat them fresh, with cheese, walnuts, a drizzle of honey or balsamic vinegar glaze and a nice glass of Pinot.

Categories: Appetizers, Desserts

Author: Leslie Blythe