Grilled Broccoli & Cauliflower Parmesan
By Leslie Blythe Cheese, Side dish, Vegetarian Grilling
July 27, 2015
Here is a great tip for grilling vegetables. By putting a few ice cubes in the foil packets, the cubes melt and perfectly steam the vegetables.
- Yields: 4 Servings
1Spray foil with nonstick cooking spray. Center broccoli & cauliflower, sun-dried tomatoes, olive oil, garlic and basil on sheet of aluminum foil. Sprinkle vegetables with Parmesan cheese and top with ice cubes. Bring up foil sides. Double fold top and ends to seal making one large packet, leaving room for heat circulation inside. Preheat grill to medium-high.
Gas Grill
1Place foil packet over medium-high heat, cover grill and cook for 12-15 minutes or until tender.
Charcoal Grill
1Place foil packet over medium-high heat and cook uncovered for 20-25 minutes or until tender.
1Preheat over to 450 degrees F. Place foil packet on a cookie sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes or until tender.
2Open foil packet carefully to allow steam to escape. Serve hot.
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