Moscow Mule
By Leslie Blythe Cocktails Mixing
January 16, 2021
Years ago, my late friend Brady gave us 25 original Moscow Mule mugs from the legendary late Cock n' Bull restaurant on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood. The Cock n' Bull invented the Moscow Mule Cocktail. It's unclear why he thought we needed 25 and I guess I will never know. They are very rare and hard to find, I think he collected them from eBay. Legend has it that in 1941, Jack Morgan, the owner of the Cock ‘n’ Bull, developed a ginger beer that he was trying to sell to patrons of the pub. He apparently teamed up with the head of the vodka division of Smirnoff. They both complained of poor sales of their products and developed the Moscow Mule to try and boost the sales of both the ginger beer and vodka. Another version of the story is that the bartender made up the drink to “clean out the basement to get rid of a lot of dead stock.” Somehow, they must have found a copper manufacturer to make these glorious mugs. The mugs are key to this drink, which keeps it arctic cold!
The only time I actually used all 25 mugs, was when I catered a party and the Moscow Mule was the featured drink. At the end of the night, I had to go around and pry them out of the hands of the guests before leaving!
- Prep: 5 mins
- Yields: Makes 1 cocktail

1Pour the vodka into a mug, along with the lime juice. Then, add the ice cubes and fill with ginger beer. Decorate with a lime wedge, which you can simply drop into the mug.
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