Mince Pie Roll Ups
By Leslie Blythe Dessert Baking
December 21, 2020
It is very traditional to eat mince pies in Britain. Since as long ago as the 16th century, they were made of a spiced, sweet meat mixture but are now are made with sweet mincemeat, which is a mixture of dried fruits, sugar, spices, and brandy (and no meat). My husband and I lived in England for many years and always have them around the holidays.
Apparently, the only Christmas Day on which eating mince pies was illegal was in 1644, as 25 December that year fell on a legally-mandated day of fasting. However, mince pies themselves were never banned, although they were strongly disapproved of as a symbol of the immoral excesses of the festive season.
A custom from the middle ages says that if you eat a mince pie on every day from Christmas to Twelfth Night (evening of the 5th January) you will have happiness for the next 12 months! We may all need to do this!
These Mince Pie Roll Ups kind of cheating, since they are so easy to roll up, slice and bake!
- Prep: 10 mins
- Cook: 20 mins
- Yields: 6 - 8 Servings

1Preheat the oven to 350° F.
2Roll out the puff pastry, and spread the mincemeat over it, making sure the edges are clear.
3Roll it into a big sausage from right to left, then use a sharp knife to cut 10 slices. Arrange on a non-stick baking tray and bake for 20 - 25 minutes or until golden.
4Allow to cool down, then use a spatula to remove them from the tray, and sprinkle powdered sugar over them.
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