Grilled Corn with Queso Fresco, Lime & Chili

Grilled Corn with Queso Fresco, Lime & Chili

By Leslie Blythe  , , ,   

June 25, 2015

Try this classic Mexican Grilled Corn with Queso Fresco, Lime & Chili for your next backyard BBQ. Queso Fresco is a creamy, soft, and mild un-aged white Miexican cheese.

  • Prep: 5 mins
  • Cook: 10 mins
  • Yields: 4 Servings
Grilled Corn with Queso Fresco, Lime & Chili


4 ears of corn, shucked

2 Tablespoons mayonnaise

1 lime

queso fresco, to taste

pinch of sea salt

pinch red chili flakes


1Pre-heat a grill (or grill pan) over medium high heat.

2Place corn on grill and grill for about a minute on each side, until nicely charred all around.

3Brush a little mayo on the corn and then add some crumble the queso fresco over the top. Then, add a squeeze of lime and a sprinkling of sea salt and red chili flakes.


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