Cloud Eggs
By Leslie Blythe Breakfast / Brunch, Eggs Baking
April 14, 2021
My brother David made these Cloud Eggs, which my mother used to make. Because he lives over 2,400 miles away, I didn't have these lovely eggs. Though, I do not happen to like runny yolk eggs. I remember as a kid being horrified and deeply disappointed that the egg whites didn't taste like whipped cream!
Cloud eggs got their start in 17th century France. The recipe for oeufs a la Neige, translated to “eggs in the snow,” was published in Le Cuisinier Francois in 1651.
- Prep: 10 mins
- Cook: 10 mins
- Yields: 4 Servings

1Preheat the oven to 350° F.
2Line a baking sheet with parchment and coat with nonstick cooking spray.
3Coat 4 small bowls with nonstick cooking spray. Separate the eggs and put the whites into a medium bowl and the yolks in the small bowls (1 yolk per bowl). Add a large pinch of salt to the egg whites and beat with an electric mixer on low speed until stiff peaks form, 2 to 3 minutes.
4Dollop 4 large spoonfuls of the egg whites onto the prepared baking sheet and make a small well in the middle of each with the back of a spoon. Bake the whites until they are firm, no longer wet, and just beginning to turn brown, about 6 minutes. Gently pour 1 yolk into the well of each white. Bake until the edges of the yolk just start to set while still being runny, 3 to 4 minutes. Season with salt.
5Serve on top of buttered toast.
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