Bon Appétit’s Best Risotto

By admin  ,   

April 18, 2019

My daughter's boyfriend Pierce is not often seen in the kitchen cooking, but he made this amazing risotto. Risotto is not an easy thing to pull off, but he did it!  Risotto is like a clingy baby. You can’t put it down, you can’t walk away from it, and you can’t ignore it. Its needs are simple, it just wants all of you. And if you give it all of your patient attention, it will turn into a puddle of love. This simple, pure, unadulterated version stands up on its own, but it also makes an excellent canvas for seasonal ingredients. The recipe includes toppings for all four seasons.

  • Prep: 10 mins
  • Cook: 1 hr
  • Yields: 8 Servings


1 tablespoon kosher salt, plus more

6 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil

½ large white onion, finely chopped (about 1½ cups)

2 cups carnaroli or Japanese sushi rice

1 cup dry white wine

5 tablespoons unsalted butter, cut into pieces

7 ounces finely grated Parmesan (about 1¾ cups), divided

Freshly ground black pepper

See toppings below


1Combine 1 tablespoon salt and 10 cups water in a medium stockpot. Bring to a very bare simmer over medium heat.

2Meanwhile, heat oil in a 6-quart Dutch oven over medium. Cook onion and a pinch of salt, stirring frequently, until onion is translucent and starting to soften, 6 - 8 minutes. Add ½ cup water and cook, stirring often, until water evaporates and onion is sizzling in oil and completely tender, about 5 minutes. (Adding the water allows the onion to cook gently and thoroughly without taking on any color.) Taste onion; if it’s still firm at all, add another splash of water and continue cooking until meltingly soft.

3Add rice and stir well to coat with oil. Cook, stirring constantly, until grains of rice are translucent around the edges and they make a glassy clattering sound when they hit the sides and bottom of pot, about 5 minutes. Coating the grains with oil before adding any liquid helps the rice cook evenly so that the outside does not become mushy before the center is tender. Add wine and another pinch of salt. Bring to a simmer and cook, stirring occasionally, until wine is completely evaporated, about 2 minutes.

4Reduce heat to medium, then add hot salted water to rice in ¾-cup increments, stirring constantly and allowing liquid to absorb fully before adding more, until rice is al dente and surrounded by fluid, not-too-thick creamy suspension, 25 - 30 minute. It should take 2 - 3 minutes for each addition to be absorbed; if things are moving faster than this, reduce heat to medium-low. Gradual absorption and constant agitation are key to encouraging the starches to release from the risotto, creating its trademark creamy consistency. You may not need all of the hot water, but err on the side of soup rather than sludge. The finished texture should be more of a liquid than a solid. Start checking the rice after about 15 minutes; the grains should be tender but not mushy, with a slightly firm center that doesn’t leave a chalky or bitty residue between your teeth after tasting. Do not overcook!

5Remove pot from heat, add butter, and stir until melted. Gradually add 1¼ cups Parmesan, stirring until cheese is melted and liquid surrounding risotto is creamy but very fluid. Stir in more hot salted water if needed to achieve the right consistency. Taste and season with salt.

6Divide risotto among warm bowls. Top each with a grind of pepper. Serve with remaining ½ cup Parmesan alongside for passing.


1BA’s Best Risotto Parmigiano is good enough to serve on its own, but it’s also an excellent canvas for a whole host of toppings. Here are a few options we love, for whatever season you’re in.


1-Buttered Sugar Snap Peas with Mint

2Heat 4 tablespoons unsalted butter in a large skillet over medium until foaming, about 1 minute. Add finely chopped white and light green parts of 5 scallions, season with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally, until scallions are bright green and aromatic, 1 - 2 minutes. Add 1 pound sugar snap peas (trimmed, cut in half lengthwise), season again, and cook, tossing occasionally, until crisp-tender, 2 - 3 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in ½ cup sliced mint leaves. Spoon peas and any pan juices onto BA’s Best Risotto.


-Burst Cherry Tomato Sauce

1Heat 2 tablespoons unsalted butter and 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil in a large skillet over medium until butter is foaming. Add 4 crushed garlic cloves, season with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, and cook, stirring occasionally, until garlic is aromatic and starting to brown, 1 - 2 minutes. Add 2 pints cherry tomatoes and increase heat to medium-high. Cook, tossing frequently and pressing down on tomatoes with a wooden spoon to encourage skins to split, about 5 minutes. Add ½ teaspoon red pepper flakes and toss to combine. Taste and season with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, if needed. Spoon tomatoes and pan sauce onto BA’s Best Risotto. Drizzle with oil.


Browned Mushrooms with Thyme

1Heat ¼ cup extra-virgin olive oil in a large skillet over medium-high until shimmering. Add 1 lb. mushrooms (such as shiitake, crimini, or maitake, trimmed, caps torn into 2" pieces) and cook, tossing occasionally, until they begin to soften and release some liquid, 3 - 4 minutes. Season with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper and cook, tossing occasionally, until deeply browned and tender, 8 - 10 minutes. Add 5 crushed garlic cloves, 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, and 4 - 5 sprigs thyme and cook, tossing occasionally, until garlic softens and butter is golden brown, about 3 minutes more. Remove from heat and add 2 tablespoons white wine vinegar or fresh lemon juice. Toss to coat, scraping up any browned bits from surface of pan. Pluck out thyme sprigs. Spoon mushroom mixture onto BA’s Best Risotto.


Lemon and Chives

1Stir finely grated zest of 2 lemons, ½ cup thinly sliced chives, and 5 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil in a small bowl; season with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. As soon as BA’s Best Risotto is done, stir in 3 tablespoons fresh lemon juice. Spoon lemon-chive mixture onto risotto.

Recipe from BA’s Best, a collection of our essential recipes, March 2019.


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