Nightmare Cocktail
Last night was a true nightmare. My daughter, Grace, got a very bad case of the stomach flu and actually passed out. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she turned the color of pickled herring. My husband grabbed her and we ran to the car. Fortunately, a brand new urgent care opened up […]
Continue ReadingMidorita
Meloncholy Baby Launched by the Suntory Company in 1978, Midori is a sweet green liqueur intensely flavored with the ripe green melon so loved by the Japanese—in fact, Midori is the Japanese word for green. Imagine the taste of a fully-ripe honeydew melon as seen through the eyes of the Jolly Rancher candy company. Add an alcohol content […]
Continue ReadingNegroni Cocktail
A Bright Red, Bittersweet Aperitif One of my husband’s favorite drinks is the bright red, bittersweet aperitif Campari. I can’t stand it and after years of being coaxed to “take a sip—try it again, it is an acquired taste,” I have given up. It is just too bitter for me! Eric likes it because it […]
Continue ReadingVesper Martini
Shaken, not Stirred….. That phrase instantly brings to mind that most iconic of Martini drinkers, Ian Fleming’s Bond– James Bond, that is. What do we know about this fictional character beyond the fact that he was a hard-drinking, chain-smoking womanizer? He was well dressed, a bit of a foodie and not afraid of bucking convention. […]
Continue ReadingTanqueray Rangpur
I don’t know about you, but I could use a Gin & Tonic! Unfortunately, it is only 8:45am. My husband discovered Tanqueray Rangpur a few years ago. Rangpur is a citrus fruit, which is a hybrid between the mandarin orange and the lemon. It has a very acidic taste. The Rangpur is known as a Canton lemon in […]
Continue ReadingPersephone á la Plage
Make me a Cocktail Darling, Please My husband, Eric, was recently toying with the idea of making us a festive cocktail on a balmy summer evening. A number of drinks were discussed and dismissed, one of which was the Mojito. While I did not fancy a Mojito, I liked the idea of a rum-based drink, […]
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Every family has its deep pockets of brilliance and eccentricity which when coupled with creativity perfectly describes my Uncle Bob. Everyone seems to have an Uncle Bob and in my case he is an extremely erudite college professor whose area of interest is Political Science. He is also a foodie in the most academic sense […]
Continue ReadingLemon Drop
Pucker Up! Let’s the cocktails begin! Here is a nice lemon martini to add to your growing repertoire of drinks. Lemon Drop 4 oz fresh lemon juice 2 oz vodka 1 tsp white sugar crushed ice 1 lemon, sliced 4 sprigs fresh mint In a mixing glass, combine lemon juice, vodka and sugar. Stir until […]
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Pimm’s Cup
Pimm’s is most common in Britain, particularly Southern England. It is one of the two staple drinks at Wimbledon, the Henley Royal Regatta, and the Glyndebourne opera festival, the other being Champagne. A “Pimm’s Cup” is also the standard cocktail at British and American polo matches. I am lucky enough to have gone to Wimbledon […]
Continue ReadingSidecar
The Betty White Luncheon A few years ago, I went to a luncheon that featured Betty White. Talk about making a comeback! No one can touch her comic timing. She is brilliant. I was sitting at a table of “older” ladies. It was 11:30 am. Two of the ladies ordered Sidecars. Whoa! It’s not even […]
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