Coriander Scallops with Orange Ginger Dressing

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A Mighty Mollusk

Scallops are rich in omega three oil and low in calories. There are three types of scallops – sea scallops, bay scallops and calico scallops. They are all mollusks, and it is the muscle that opens and shuts the shell that we eat with such delight.

Never overcook them, and to be sure that they are well dried before cooking, so the surface sears, rather than steams. Scallops are muscles and will toughen with overcooking. Look for scallops with a moist surface and a sweet, fresh smell and do what we did – go to a fishery and sniff before buying. Try to get scallops that are labeled “dry.” This means they haven’t been treated with the preservative sodium tripolyphosphate. They are much more flavorful, better for you, and they seem to brown a little better. Frozen scallops generally are of a good quality and available year-round.


Categories: Salad, Seafood

Author: Leslie Blythe