Tuna & Avocado Donburi

Tuna & Avocado Donburi

By Leslie Blythe  , , ,   

January 16, 2015

Try this Japanese Tuna & Avocado Donburi dish. A Donburi or "don" is a Japanese "rice bowl dish". This one is a wonderful mixture of tuna and rich avocado from Harumi Kurihara Harumi's Japanese Home Cooking: Simple, Elegant Recipes for Contemporary Tastes. She has been called the Martha Stewart of Japan.

  • Prep: 10 mins
  • Cook: 20 mins
  • Yields: 4 Servings
Tuna & Avocado Donburi


¼ pound sashimi quality raw tuna, cut into ½ inch pieces

½ cup avocado, cut into ½ inch pieces

3¾ cups hot cooked sushi rice

1 Tablespoon fresh ginger, finely chopped

½ tsp canola oil

soy sauce, to taste


1Mix tuna and avocado with ginger, oil and soy sauce.

2Divided the cooked rice among 4 bowls.

3Top with the tuna and avocado on each bowl.


1 Review


April 13, 2023

Love it! Makes me hungry just to look at it. All on my list of favorite foods.

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