6 Year Blogiversary

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IMG_09876 Years

As of today, I have been blogging for 6 years. Given that I have the attention span of a gnat, I am impressed with myself! I have posted 5 days a week, without missing a single day. That’s 1,560 days.

This blog is really a daily diary of what I’m doing in the kitchen.  I have covered food and drink from all cultures and classes—everything from street food to haute cuisine. I take great pride in being able to keep my content fresh and current. Since its inauguration, I have posted every day, from Monday to Friday, even while going through a major illness. This, of course, would not have been possible without my wonderful guest bloggers that jumped in and helped me to ensure a constant flow of compelling content. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

I certainly never anticipated how much blogging would enrich my life. I have learned so much and met many friends around the world. Thank you for keeping me going with your support and encouragement. I appreciate the time you take out of your day to read and comment on my blog.

My first post was about Burrata, which is a wonderfully soft, silky mozzarella. I had no idea this would become an obsession.  

Roasted Tomatoes and Burrata

It is sometimes hard to come up with something different to serve in the Summer. I was inspired when I saw this dish at my favorite restaurant in Los Angeles, Pizzeria Mozza.


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Author: Leslie Blythe