Chocolate Florentine Cookies

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Crispy on the outside and gooey on the inside

My daughter, Zoe, has been making batches of these cookies that are really amazing.  They are crispy and gooey on the inside and very easy to make.

Chocolate Florentine Cookies

2/3 cup butter
2 cups quick oats
1 cup granulated sugar
2/3 cup all-purpose flour
¼ cup light or dark corn syrup
¼ cup milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
¼ tsp salt
1¾ cups (11.5 oz pkg) chocolate chips

Preheat oven to 375° F. Line baking sheets with foil.

Melt butter in medium saucepan; remove from heat. Stir in oats, sugar, flour, corn syrup, milk, vanilla extract and salt; mix well. Drop by level teaspoons, about 3 inches apart, onto foil-lined baking sheets. Be very careful not to make these too big, as they will expand and spread in the oven. A level teaspoon is the perfect amount. Spread thinly with rubber spatula.

Bake for 6 to 8 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on baking sheets on wire racks. Peel foil from cookies.

Microwave morsels in medium, uncovered, microwave-safe bowl on MEDIUM-HIGH (70%) power for 1 minute; STIR. Morsels may retain some of their original shape. If necessary, microwave at additional 10 to 15-second intervals, stirring just until morsels are melted. Spread thin layer of melted chocolate onto flat side of half the cookies.

Top with remaining cookies to make sandwiches. Once the cookies have cooled and the chocolate has set, they are ready to eat.

Categories: Desserts

Author: Leslie Blythe