Iceberg Bananas

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Go Bananas!

I have always gone bananas over bananas. I love them. I know I should not admit this, but I even like artificial banana flavor, like in taffy, runts, etc…. Orange circus peanuts taste just like artificial banana. I’m sure a certain ex-roommate/friend of mine will launch into the whole banana liqueur incident. When I was pregnant I demanded bananas foster in bed at 7am, my husband came through. Anyway, I collect banana recipes. So here is a different take on them…..

Iceberg Bananas

4 Servings

4 bananas
½ cup sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 cup heavy cream or plain low-fat yogurt

Peel the bananas and wrap them tightly in plastic wrap. Freeze at least 4 hours. Mix the sugar and cinnamon and set aside. When ready to serve, slice the bananas. Place them in individual serving bowls. Sprinkle with the cinnamon sugar, and slowly pour the heavy cream over the bananas, coating each piece. The cream freezes almost instantly when it hits the bananas. Serve immediately.

Categories: Desserts

Author: Leslie Blythe