Earthquake Cake

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I’m All Shoke Up

We woke up this morning at 4:04am to an earthquake. Not a big one – 4.4, but the epicenter was quite close. It certainly got one’s attention. So, here I am with a splitting headache, nursing a cup of coffee and trying to figure out what on earth to write about today. It hit me! Earthquake Cake, by Paula Deen. It’s funny how one’s brain works.

Earthquake Cake

1 cup chopped pecans
1 cup coconut
1 box German Chocolate cake mix
1 (8 oz.) package cream cheese, softened
1 lb. box (16 oz) powdered sugar
stick butter, softened

At bottom of greased 9×13 inch pan, spread chopped pecans, and then the coconut.

Mix the cake mix per package directions and pour over nuts and coconut. Blend softened cream cheese, powdered sugar and softened butter and dab onto batter.

Bake 50-60 minutes at 350 degrees. Cake cracks right down the middle like an earthquake and tastes great.

Categories: Desserts

Author: Leslie Blythe